Today opened the first ever ISPO online.
It was a year ago when I attended the ISPO fair in Munich for maybe the 20th time. During my visit there in January 2020 the news came to me about the first ever Covid-19 case in Munich.
We all know what happened in the world since then...
I was a bit sceptic about the ISPO online, especially about the type of tickets that were being sold. I normally visit the show to see new developments of products, fabrics and other materials. I look around and breathe in. Being inspired is being emotional. This I really find difficult in an entirely digital environment. Also, it is difficult to see the full overview of it all. Everything is being categorized in such an orderly way only an accountant would do.
I guess this is the way to do it and to make it all clear and understandable for everyone.
"Being inspired is being emotional. This I really find difficult in an entirely digital environment"
This morning I watched the opening and the talks with special guests and really became excited about the possibilities and information being offered.
I was touched by top athlete Malaika Mihambo. She explained about the way she has been training and how to stay focused. To quote: “Plan with a small-time horizon, but never miss the long-term goal.” Sports are about tolerance and uniting people. Digitalization can be one of the new ways to approach life. “There is plenty of room where new stuff can grow.”
Then Tristan Horx from the “ZukunftsInstitut” spoke about the force of Megatrends and whether Covid-19 is a Megatrend. His conclusion was not. But Covid-19 has accelerated the Megatrend dynamics.
Megatrends are revolutions in slow-motion with a 25+ year runtime and are found everywhere around the Globe, albeit in different types. Trends are always connected to one another. Never try to understand one trend as individual, but understand all in their complexity.
As humans we think linear about our future; it is either Utopia or Dystopia. But the future is not linear. The future lies in between and behaves in uncontrolled looped cycles, the so-called Recursion Theory: Every trend receives a counter trend in future and will finally develop in a synthesis.
According to the ZukunftsInstitut the post-Covid Megatrends are:
Ecology: Vaccine for global warming.
Crisis is no longer abstract. If we can use social intelligence, we can overcome.
Regionalisation: Long live the regional.
The future is Glocal: Like your region, but stay connected globally.
Security: Basic need number one.
Relationship building and trust as a form of future’s currency.
Connectivity: Welcome to the post digital age.
Digital benefits, but analogue experiences.
New Work: Work-life blending with a Workation (home-office)
Then there was Molly Hughes, an admirable young woman that spoke about her solo expedition on the South Pole. Her story was mind blowing and breath taking. Two full months of skiing in cold and wind, all by herself. Unbelievable. Her jacket was being developed specially by Mountain Equipment and Gore-Tex. She called that jacket her “armour” that protected her everyday.
Finally, the day ended with a vote for the winner of innovation. All ten nominees had 90 seconds to pitch their products that ranged from sustainable rainwear, cycling wear especially for women, handle bars for snowboards, new apps for personal trainers, special backpacks and sustainable yoga mats to magnetic boards and shoes for kite sports.
I love new developments and ideas to improve existing products.
I am looking forward what the next day will bring!